New trend: An educational summer experience

New trend: An educational summer experience

Author: Nguyễn Huy

Industry 4.0 is operating like a storm, leading to many changes in the entire world in the short future. That fact makes the summer of today’s children – the owners of the future world – also need to be renewed. An educational summer experience is a trendy trend chosen by many parents.

Catch up on global trends with an educational summer experience

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The summer of the elementary to middle school age group is very different from the previous years. The strong development of the industrial revolution 4.0 has a clear impact on all areas of life. To be ready to become the owners of a volatile world in the future, young people need to be equipped with new and sharper baggage.

Summer is the right time when the burden of schoolwork has stopped and children are ready to absorb new sources of energy. That awareness makes choosing an educational summer experience a new trend in the summer of 2023.

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A proper summer vacation is not about meaningless wandering or spinning in extra classes crammed with knowledge. Children need to be “refreshed” after a hard year, and at the same time acquire skills and knowledge from interesting fun activities. This is also the criterion that the current outstanding summer courses are aiming for.

Registering for a summer course for your child is an option that fits the global development trend and the conditions of many parents. Children will receive engaging and enriching experiences, and parents can work with complete peace of mind.

“Summer Never Ends” – Discover the wonderful summer at ILA

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Giving Vietnamese children unforgettable summers is what the top summer courses at ILA are doing. Following the great success of the 2022 summer class, “Summer Never Ends” 2023 is exploding hot summer days.

An international standard English summer course designed by ILA specifically for three age groups: 4-7 years old, 8-11 years old and 12-16 years old. Throughout the program, students will learn all subjects in English such as the STEAM project (math, science, technology, electronics and art) and technology class 4.0 (3D printing/drawing, robotics, AI programming), along with extracurricular activities such as baking, modern dance, farm trip, camping and team building for 2 days 1 night. This stimulates the children to increase their reflexes to speak English in a natural way most naturally and effectively.

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The advantage of ILA’s summer courses is international standard English training with 100% foreign teachers. ILA has outstanding advantages in a continuously researched and updated curriculum, play-based learning and project-based learning methods. In particular, each lesson is a project such as electricity, light, water, air, organisms and the environment, physical assets…

With an AI class, children will understand the basics of how AI works; know how to search, store images and upload apps. Meanwhile, with the virtual reality classroom, students can create interactive models and animate the models.

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This is the key point to help them develop and perfect the skills of future leaders such as finance, teamwork (collaboration), technology, presentation… Business classes, programming classes , design, which will give students the opportunity to explore, create and solve problems.

Mastering soft skills is indispensable for a future leader. They will practice that through field trips, contact with nature, and participation in group activities. In particular, the ILA English summer course not only fosters knowledge but also nurtures their souls by volunteering, learning how to share and spread love to the community.

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Interspersed with classes are hours of vigorous exercise, a moment of breakthrough in sports and dedicated to music. A future leader must perfect both mind and body, that is what ILA always aspires to.

A summer really cannot be without laughter. Summer at the ILA is the same. Laughter will follow you during school hours, to the playground, to the meadow. It will follow you to breakthrough and assert yourself. The wonderful summer with ILA’s international standard summer course will never end, because the knowledge and skills you cultivate will be your luggage for a lifetime.


Choosing to give children educational summer experiences, to catch up with global trends, is the choice of wise parents.

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