Confessions of Mr. Nguyen Duc Thang – Parent of Nguyen Duc Khoa

phụ huynh của bé nguyễn đức khoa

Author: Hồ Vy

“Quick response to learner’s concerns will help them acquire knowledge faster and remember it longer!”

This is the viewpoint of Mr. Nguyen Duc Thang, Khoa’s father (14 years old – Smart Teens).

“It has been 10 years since my little boy took his first steps in English,” Khoa’s father began.

“Talking about his personality, he is a bit shy when communicating. However, he illustrates his passion for English by listening to English music, watching English TV shows, and speaking with his foreign teachers. Specifically, Khoa often has questions regarding the current English lesson that need instant explanation. If teachers provide the answer right at that time, he will remember it well and apply it directly in similar situations.”

“Khoa’s learning schedule is very relaxing. Besides class time at ILA, Khoa needs 1-2 hours for other subjects. English is his favourite, so it takes up ¼ of this amount of time. Khoa spends this time learning grammar and vocabulary with us, or reading magazines and newspapers to enrich his knowledge. He also “plays and learns” with English when listening to English music and watching English movies. One more advantage of learning in a friendly environment like ILA is that Khoa becomes more confident when he participates in other social activities.”

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